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There's been rumours that if you made a wish upon a star, your wish will be granted. 


Despite those rumours, that was how Ari appeared. Out of the tears of the star, a formless void of mass that took a form. The powers she held within her were created from the wishes of children wanting to bond with their plushies. 


From her emergence, she had a wish to sleep peacefully amongst the stars but it hadn't been reciprocated in a long while. Though despite of that, her army of plushies grew as she picked up the ones that have been abandoned or left alone by their owners who crossed the other side. 


She had crossed through many universes, galaxies and dimensions and decided to settle herself home in the Victorian era, where plushies were handmade and sewn with love. Sometimes stragglers would join her crew but one stood out. A purple cat with hearts on its cheeks and despite her constant rejection, it would simply ignore her wishes and continue to follow her around. Ari gave up and let the cat join her on her adventures. 


Within the industrial revolution, this was her time and her place.


full body art by ari_starrie

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