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Mira, the hellhound where she once lived in the fiery depths of Hell. 


The chance meeting with a man coming to retrieve his wife back had her mind thinking of life up above, on Earth and so she decided to escape. Though, Mira soon realised hellhounds weren't normal so she started to use her disguise magic again, changing her appearance throughout the years. 


Though because of that, legends and myths regarding supernatural dogs started to spawn since her arrival. For example, the Black Shuck, a ghastly demonic dog that hunts at night or the Pesanta, an enormous dog that creeps into your room at night and lays on your chest, suffocating you. The higher ups in Hell caught wind and she was caught but thanks to the help of her boss, Cerebus, she escaped once again.


Throughout the years, humans outgrew the thought of Hell and Heaven and started to believe in Science and Technology, they believed in evolution and as they evolved, the power that Hell once held started dwindling.


Despite that, Mira still feared the thought of being brought back but it never happened. Even though she saw the some fiends popped up, she would keep to herself. In an appearance she was happy with, Mira lived her life in peace. 


Art by lucifehh

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